I've always wanted a vintage nursery. Now that we are on child #7, I have plenty of 'vintage' items to decorate with! To make room for Keane, we had to move the desk out of this previous office and turn it into a nursery. I love how the cabinetry added to the vintage feel.
I took the shelving out of the office cabinets and decorated with the baptismal gowns of my other children. I also used a couple of their first shoes, bears, favorite board books. I even have my husband's nursery lamp, blanket and first walking shoes. My mother's bear is tucked in there as well!
The opposite side of the nursery is turned into a changing station. Sleepers, bottles, burp cloths, bibs and diaper essentials fill the baskets.
Across the room are baskets filled with bath essentials, extra bedding and extra supplies.
Handmade knitted blankets from the past and present are ready for use!
In the entry to the nursery I hung a vintage looking from with hooks to hold bibs, slings and jackets.
The diaper station is set up and ready!
Diapers on one side and baby essentials on the other!
Love this custom embroidered wipe holder! Etsy is awesome!
Stationed at the door and ready to roll!